School and District News
News from & for Camden Elementary School
Access the February Issues of the "Parents Make the Difference!" newsletters. The KCSD Academic Department is now offering these newsletters in English & Spanish for our families. Read for more information!
The Kershaw County School District (KCSD) will open its online pre-registration process for four- and five-year-old kindergarten classes for the 2025-2026 school year on February 3. Families are able to complete the process online but can also attend in-person help sessions if needed on Thursday, February 13. The online system will be open February 3-28.
On Friday, January 24, KCSD schools and offices will be opening on a two-hour delay. This means school start times are two hours later than normal. All students and staff should report two hours later than their normal arrival times. School bus riders should report to their bus stops two hours later than their usual times.
Based on the current road conditions and expected overnight well below average freezing temperatures, Kershaw County School District announces an e-Learning day for Thursday, January 23. The National Weather Service is predicting hazardous road conditions, particularly on untreated or secondary roads, through midday Thursday. All KCSD office buildings and schools will be closed.
All Kershaw County School District schools will shift to e-Learning on Wednesday, January 22, due to the forecast of winter weather and the likelihood of below freezing temperatures causing unsafe roadway conditions well into the day Wednesday. All KCSD office buildings and schools will be closed.
The National Weather Service indicates that Kershaw County will likely experience winter weather including possible snow, freezing rain, and/or sleet beginning Tuesday afternoon and continuing through the night into Wednesday morning. Based on the current forecast, Kershaw County School District will be closing all schools and offices early on Tuesday, January 21, and will open on a 2-hour delay for Wednesday, January 22.
With the threat of possible winter weather and the prediction of hazardous road conditions beginning tomorrow afternoon and continuing into the evening, all Kershaw County School District schools and offices will close early on Friday, January 10.
As students return to school January 7, Kershaw County School District (KCSD) will be implementing a new Personal Electronic Device Policy.