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Arrival & Dismissal Information


School Hours and Tardies

Arrival: 7:00 am

Tardy - 7:35

Dismissal: 2:30 pm - Please make sure students are picked up by 2:45 pm daily.

Your Child is Now Tardy Sign







Car Rider Line Tips

We have a lot of car riders this year.  Please adhere to the tips below so we can move our car rider line quickly in the mornings and the afternoons.

  1. Please make sure your child is ready to exit the car when you enter the Car Rider Gate on Lyttleton Street.  
  2. We have staff and CES ambassadors to assist with opening doors.  If your child is old enough to open their door, please let them open their door and exit the car.
  3. Parents, please remain in your car during arrival and departure.  We will assist students and this will keep our line moving.
  4. Please make sure that car rider signs with your child’s name on are placed on the visor or the rear view mirror during dismissal.  The car rider sign should remain visible until your child is placed in your car.  
  5. All students who arrive after 7:35am are considered tardy. A sign will be posted at the gym doors at 7:35 am notifying you about our procedure.  You will need to drive around to the front parking lot, park, and walk with your child into the foyer to sign in using a valid SC identification card. Students may not be dropped off in the front parking lot as students MUST be signed in by a parent or guardian.
  6. Please remember that our doors open at 7:00am daily.

Thank you for your cooperation and helping us keep our students safe.