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Field Trips Studies

When students leave the school to go on field studies, they represent Camden Elementary School; therefore, exceptional student conduct is essential! In order to assist in maintaining the positive public image of Camden Elementary School, students who have proven that they cannot consistently meet the expectations of good behavior in the school may not be allowed to visit places with less structure. Siblings will not be allowed to attend field trips or field days.

Chaperones may be needed on field trips. The grade level will determine the number of chaperones. An online Volunteer Application along with $16.95 for a background check must also be completed for approval through the district office in advance of the trip. All field trip chaperones must be on the Approved Level II Volunteer List. The online volunteer application can be found at

No parent acting as a chaperone is allowed to drive separately from the school bus due to liability issues and to ensure the safety and supervision of our students. All children must ride the school bus.  Exceptions may be made for different destinations per administration approval.

Students who are unable to attend a field study will remain at school in a structured learning environment and will work on related curriculum. Likewise, students who have been suspended from riding the school bus may be ineligible to participate in field trips if transportation for these trips is provided by Kershaw County School District or private tour buses.

Fees for field trips must be submitted by the deadline. Each child must have a completed permission form prior to leaving. No children will be permitted to call home for permission slips or forgotten items. We must have a current phone number for all children attending a field trip.

No refunds will be issued for students who become ineligible (i.e. discipline) to attend or are unable to attend a field study due to illness or family emergencies.  

For safety and accountability purposes, all children are asked to wear their school t-shirt on all field trips.