Healthroom Services
Camden Elementary has a Registered Nurse assigned to the school. She coordinates the school health program and acts as a liaison between school personnel, community organizations, and medical resources. We have a well-equipped Health Room staffed by the school nurse and/or health room assistant. The Health Room is set up to assist students with minor first aid and minor illnesses. The nurse reports illnesses of students to parents and follows the school district policies and the DHEC exclusion policies for South Carolina schools and daycares as to whether a student should go home due to illness or injury. Students with a temperature of 100° or above will be sent home. All students are to be fever free for 24 hours without Tylenol, Motrin, etc. before returning to school. In addition, any student who is vomiting will be sent home.
For student safety, we must have your current address and phone number(s), plus another emergency number on file. The health room is also where any medication that needs to be taken during the school day is stored. The school nurse/health room assistant is trained to assist students with medication during the school day in accordance with the school district’s policy (JLCD-R) for assisting students with medications (Effective 9/6/2006).
The school district medication permission form must be completed by a parent/guardian and the physician’s signature is required for all medications taken to school. This includes all medications (over the counter and prescription). All medications (prescription and over the counter, including cough drops/lozenges) must be in the original pharmacy labeled container and must be brought in by an adult. Please do not send any medication with students. The parent/guardian must assume the responsibility of informing school personnel of any changes in the medication routine or student’s health status.