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Safety Information

Address and Phone Numbers

It is very important that Camden Elementary School be able to contact you in an emergency.  This information is also used by the district-wide Blackboard message system which is used to report school closing, delays and other important news.  We must have your current address and phone number at all times.  Please notify the school attendance secretary if you change your address or phone number. This information is confidential and necessary to ensure vital communication between home and school. Current phone numbers are required for students to participate in field trips. We will not provide any information about your child to individuals not on your child’s contact list.

School Closings

In case of an emergency situation during the school day, parents are asked NOT to call the school for information.  The school has detailed plans for the evacuation and safety of all students.  Information will be given on the radio, television, or through our automated phone system.  In an emergency, it is vital that the phone be available for use by those who are directing emergency procedures.

Visitation in School

You are welcome and encouraged to visit our school for observation, conference, or as a volunteer. As a visitor, you must inform our office personnel of your presence on campus. Our district-wide computer system requires all visitors to scan their driver license or state issued ID on the computer in the front office, and they must wear a visitor’s sticker at all times during their visit. Visitors are not permitted on our playgrounds during the school day. Parents and friends are welcome to attend all school functions and programs noted on the school calendar. Please make an appointment to confer with teachers and administrators.   We cannot permit parents or visitors to interrupt a class to speak to the teacher or drop items off.  Every minute is valuable learning time! Due to safety concerns, small children and siblings who do not attend Camden Elementary should not interrupt the instructional day at school nor are they permitted to attend field trips or field days!