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School Bus Riders

School bus transportation is a privilege that may be withdrawn for inappropriate behavior. We have excellent drivers who work with students before a referral is made to the school’s administration for assistance. If discipline problems occur on the bus, the driver will complete a disciplinary report and submit it to the school for appropriate action in accordance with the Kershaw County School Bus Discipline Code. A copy of the school bus referral will be sent to the parents via the student or mail, and/or the parents may be phoned regarding the incident. If the problem persists, students may be suspended from riding a bus. If your child is suspended from the school bus, you must send a change of transportation note indicating how your child will go home and with whom.

Rules for Safe Bus Riding

  1. PBIS/School rules are enforced on the bus.

  2. Board the bus in an orderly manner and remain seated. If seats are assigned, sit in your assigned seat.

  3. Remain seated while the bus is in motion.

  4. Keep arms, hands, feet and other body parts inside the bus and to yourself.

  5. Do not throw things on the bus or from a bus window. Keep the bus clean and sanitary.

  6. Keep books, packages, coats, and other objects in your lap and free from the aisle.

  7. Be on time at your designated bus stop. Buses are unable to wait for children.

  8. If no one is at the bus stop to receive children, they will be returned to school and sent to the after school program until they are picked up. Fees may be assessed.

  9. Do not bring onto the bus large objects (i.e. science fair projects) or any other items prohibited by district policy.

*Report violations of school bus drivers to the Camden Transportation Office, giving bus number, location, and time. You can reach the Camden Area Bus Supervisor at 803-425-8943.